Top 10 Tech Skills In Demand in 2021

Navigating in a rapidly evolving world like ours is today requires one to be well aware of the top tech trends and skills that are driving the transformation in 2021 and creating the future. 

Doing this is extremely important although not easy. So, we’ve decided to do a thorough market analysis and compile our own list of the top ten tech skills in demand right now – for you to stay armed and informed in 2021. 

Time is money, so without taking any more of your time, here’s a brief overview of the 10 most relevant tech vectors to watch, learn, and invest in this year, according to MintyMint: 

*Listed in a free order 

AI & Machine Learning 

One of the main tech trends dominating modern history is automation, which is permeating every sphere of our lives. And algorithms play a key role in stepping it up even more and taking digitization to the next level. 

From healthcare and transportation to commerce, management, and leisure – digital intelligence is changing the world we live in. Robots are taking on more and more workloads. Self-driving cars are out in the streets, and virtual assistants are becoming increasingly human-like. Such a transformation requires a ton of AI/ML experts, making it this year’s #1 emerging job, according to LinkedIn’s annual report.  

As for the key skills in the arsenal of AI/ML specialists, we’re talking about a mixture of TensorFlow, Python, Java, R, and Natural Language Processing. 

Data Science

Data science is closely related and often an integral part of AI/ML tech. That said, the field is rather independent and big enough to give it a separate place on our list.  

In this regard, last year has shown how big data can affect global processes and help the international community respond to the challenges of the modern world by providing effective solutions. 

At that, businesses remain the main consumers of data science services. The demand for data specialists in the corporate sector has grown by almost a third since 2018, according to  

And given that next-gen tech relies heavily on effective data collection, processing, and analysis – it’s clear that data science in all forms is a crucial part of technological progress. 

Speaking of which…


Effective data collection and implementation of digital intelligence technologies require leveraging a mesh of connected smart devices woven into our daily activities on many levels. 

In this regard, the Internet of Things remains a highly relevant topic when it comes to technology and its development. 

At that, the focus of IoT development is shifting from nice-to-haves towards a more utilitarian range of application across essential spheres of human activity. We see increased integration of smart warehouses and automated tracking & shipping in transportation. Remote monitoring and care, wearables, and contact-tracing solutions are changing the game in the healthcare sector. And various production industries are adopting more and more smart factory equipment and machinery on site.   

As for raw numbers, the world’s IoT market is expected to surpass a $520 billion mark by the end of 2021, with an estimated 27 billion connected devices mesh – about 3.5 devices per person globally, according to a Cisco’s paper

Cloud computing

Naturally, all of the complex calculations associated with the above-mentioned processes require immense computing power to be processed. This brings us to another one of the top tech skills in 2021 – cloud computing.

Revolutionizing computer resource usage, cloud tech is gaining huge momentum due to the sheer convenience and unmatched performance it offers. 

Speaking about which, we have to mention AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. The three largest cloud service providers on the market today, and yet another major force of the tech progress in 2021.

Just to give you some perspective, over 90% of all public companies in the world are using virtual tech, with 94% of all workloads being performed in the cloud this year, according to a HostingTribunal’s assessment.    

You do the math…


Now, operating that much of (often sensible) data in a place without physical barriers requires a decent level of security to protect the service consumers. The more information is stored and accessed online, the more vulnerable it becomes to all sorts of tampering and fraud. 

I this regard, after slightly shrinking in 2019/2020, global cybersecurity spendings have bounced back during the pandemic. And the market is not looking to slow down in the nearest future, according to’s conclusions

Therefore, it is safe to conclude that cybersecurity specialists are going to be in high demand throughout 2021. 

As for the top cybersecurity sub-niches, we’re seeing areas like authentication, cloud data protection, and application monitoring gain extra attention.    


Speaking about secure digital structures…

While closely tied to safety online, Blockchain deserves a place of its own in the chart. That is, of course, because of the cryptocurrency boom that is happening right now. 

Although blockchain is not young, we can watch an actual crypto-revolution unfold right in front of our eyes. Like that, some of the leading international tech giants are beginning to invest in the technology, skyrocketing its value. 

With the price of Bitcoin soaring to quite shocking figures, the news about more and more businesses opening their doors to crypto operations leaves no doubt that blockchain experts will dominate the tech market’s talent demand in the nearest future.   

Mobile Development

On the consumer’s level, all of the above only makes sense when integrated with the one digital platform dominating user time and attention – mobile devices. 

With annual mobile app downloads estimated to reach $258 billion by 2022 (almost 50% growth in a 5-year time), the demand for mobile developers is one of the highest across the entire IT development spectrum, according to StackOverflow.  

Moreso, given the 5+ billion pool of unique smartphone users globally – mobile development will remain relevant in the foreseeable future. 

As for the niche technologies, cross-platform development tools (like React Native) are harnessing the highest $ per line of code. 


Looking at future tech and innovation, we must notice AR/VR as an essential means of bringing about the new realm. 

Last year’s health crisis has been a major outer force pushing tech transformation along the “all-remote” paradigm. This resulted in a genuine AR boom as its global market size exceeded $15 billion, according to data

Covid-related limitations have made consumer-centric industries look for virtual opportunities in communication, leisure, shopping, traveling, etc. – revising the traditional ways of conducting daily activities. 

That said, we’re seeing many less casual VR initiatives in the healthcare sector. Here, using augmented reality has already shown great results in staff training, surgery, general treatment, pediatrics, and many more niches. 


Optimizing the development processes ensures successful implementation of nearly all of the other technologies on the list. Therefore, DevOps is going to continue to be highly relevant in 2021.  

In this regard, there is increased attention towards Infrastructure Automation, Application Release Orchestration, Application Performance Monitoring, and Cloud Management Platforms, along with a major focus on agility and adaptation to irregular objectives.   


Last but not least on our chart, is today’s most in-demand coding language on the market – Python. 

The official AI/ML software backbone and probably the best choice for any data-related applications, it is definitely an essential skill to have in the arsenal in 2021.   

Now, it is true that JavaScript is almost as popular a coding language as Python, and is worth mentioning too. Nevertheless, the ratio of Python-based projects to the amount of talent available makes it a definite leader in the niche. 

There you have it – the 10 top tech skills in demand in 2021, according to MintyMint. 

Hope you enjoyed the article. Feel free to contact our team for any questions regarding software development or current tech trends. And most importantly – stay tuned in for new updates!  

The Rise of 5G: A New Network Standard

5G towers are rising on every corner of the cities around the world like McDonald’s restaurants in the 90s. And while the revolutionary network is shrouded by conspiracy on one hand and excitement on the other, the facts speak for themselves: 5G is not so much an inevitable future anymore, but rather a reality arrived at the doorstep. 

What does this mean for the average consumer? How does the new technology standard affect the advancement of the Internet of Things? And most importantly what is its role in global digitization? Let’s find out.  

First things first

Before anything else, what exactly is 5G? 

5G stands for fifth-generation wireless cellular connection, which network companies began widely deploying as recently as last year. It is the successor of the well-known and widely applied 4G, which dominates the Internet consumer market today. 

Technically speaking, 5G utilizes radio waves to transmit data – just like other wireless technologies. What makes it distinct from the competition, is a higher frequency of the radio signal that 5G operates on (up to 2.7-39Ghz, against 0.7-2.7Ghz for 4G). Sound clear: the higher the frequency the higher the data bandwidth. That said, it’s not all that simple in reality. 

Here’s how network speed has changed over time: 

The physical consequence of using high frequencies is a shortened wavelength that inevitably comes along. And a shorter wavelength means a smaller distance the signal can travel without quality loss. And when it comes to creating an Internet network, this means that 5G requires a far more dense cellular geography to achieve even coverage. In simple words, it requires installing a lot more cellular towers per area to effectively penetrate buildings and landscape irregularities in order to reach the consumer. 

When fully set up, 5G can support up to a million devices per sq kilometer (as opposed to just a 100,000 for 4G) and offers a whopping broadband speed measured in Gigabits per second – similarly to the cable internet capabilities.    

Why 5G?

So, what exactly do we need 5G for? Does the opportunity of watching 4k online really drive all of the hype around the new network standard alone?

Well, the main reason behind the introduction of 5G is indeed the increased download speed it offers. However, there are a few equally important things that come out of achieving faster web access.


First of all, apart from your evening movie-watching routine, 5G is highly beneficial to the development of the IoT. By increasing connection speed and coverage, as well as the number of supported devices per area it allows surpassing the present limits to establishing a mesh of connected devices. 

Internet of Things is among the fastest growing and most important layers of the new digital realm that we are entering nowadays. So, it’s quite hard to overestimate the importance of facilitating IoT with a radically better type of web access. Btw, you may read more about IoT and it’s part in creating the future today, in our previous article

Global wi-fi

Secondly, and this is far less obvious, 5G has the potential to replace local internet service points (like cable internet and wi-fi) with a single, universally applicable technology. Yes, you heard that right. A universal wi-fi will be here before the universal basic income (who’s to judge what is best?). 

Check out Ookla’s up-to-date map of 5G rollouts in cities around the world. 

Map of 5G rollouts around the world

Indeed, why bothering with installing cable internet (which requires digging / boring / drilling) and extend it via countless wi-fi routers when you can have a wi-fi cover the entire globe? 

It sounds perfect! 

Yet, there are actually some concerns…

5G troubles

However great the technology is, it’s a lot like a troubled teen in a household. 

Your neighbors don’t like it.

Ever since the introduction of 5G, rumors, disbelief, and even fear and hate just won’t let it go. In this regard, it is (rather widely) believed that the increased density of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) caused by a web of 5G network towers may be harmful and poses a threat to people and the environment exposed to it. 

In fact, hundreds of scientists from over 30 countries have signed an appeal to the European Union Commission, warning about the potential consequences of rolling out the new 5G cellular network. It should be noted that these claims do not come with no evidence behind it. A number of substantial studies by some of the reputed health protection organizations have found a link between elevated RF radiation exposure and DNA damage. 

This point of view, of course, rests at a polar opposite side on the specter of speculation surrounding 5G – as opposed to the obviously arrogant yet surprisingly widespread theory that the cell towers cause COVID.    

Whichever reasoning came more convincing for the radical protesters against the new technology, the fact that many 5G cell towers were knocked down and set on fire in the UK indicates that a part of the public does not welcome 5G into their lives yet.  

It’s expensive… 

Costs are always an important part of the discussion when evaluating a project. When it comes to 5G, the price is not its strongest feature.

Current 4G carriers use 3-4x fewer towers than needed for 5G, and setting up those additional network points is not free. Not only the equipment costs a pretty buck, but it also has to be located somewhere. This means that placing a 5G transmitter requires either building a new tower or attaching it to an existing tower or building. This comes along with land use right, permits, construction, etc. – all kinds of associated costs. 

Now, these costs are difficult to estimate precisely since each carrier has its own ways. That said, independent experts estimate an average installation cost of up to $200k per microcell. Each of these transmitters has a reach between 0.2 and 2 kilometers and can support up to 2000 devices. Read more about the 5G network structure here. Now, you can compare these figures with the number of potential users, along with the areas of their distribution… Avoiding to delve into complex math, it’s safe to say that setting up a next-gen broadband Internet system is quite expensive even for the industry giants. 

As for the average consumer, replacing one’s old smartphone with a new one that supports 5G, in addition to advanced carrier plans, is also a hefty investment to consider.   

Here are T-Mobile’s 5G plan options, just to have a clue:

T-mobile carrier 5G plan options

… and immature.

Last but not least, it does seem like the revolutionary technology that’s been promised is just not ready yet. Yes, there are a lot of towers in major cities around the world. Yes, the new smartphones support the new technology. And yes – carriers are already offering us that lightning-fast 5G Internet “for just $69.99”. 

All that being the case, the coverage is not great, neither are the 5G smartphone prices, nor the actual Internet speeds. There are still connectivity issues in buildings and densely-built areas, and providing 5G to urban areas is just economically disastrous. 

Unfortunately, but this is the 5G’s harsh reality we have to face.


Speaking of dreams and reality, another obstacle on the 5G’s way to a bright future may be posed by one of the most daring entrepreneurs in modern history – Elon Musk.

The tycoon’s advancements to create his own universal data network called Starlink is a heavy counterforce to the “mainstream” 5G. What sets Starlink apart from other similar technologies is that it is meant to operate through a web of satellites circulating on a lower Earth’s orbit, as compared to most current space objects. In fact, the satellites fly so low you can see them in the night sky – just like the stars. And since they are linked (it seems so) the network is called Starlink.

Pretty creative, isn’t it?

What’s valuable for considering Starlink as an opponent to 5G is the history of the inventor’s startling projects, which daring, revolutionary, and most importantly – successful every time. Giants of the payment, automotive, and space industries have already fallen prey to Musk’s ambition. And given that 775 Starlink satellites already orbit the Earth – this is definitely something to watch for. Both for the average consumers and the key industry players.

So, is 5G overrated?

5G is clearly a promising technology throwing a lot of benefits on the table. However, the technical part of it is still underdeveloped. Definitely, a great idea, it has fallen victim to big business’s greedy advancements and is just overmarketed for the moment.

All in all, there’s still a long way for 5G to make to live up to the people’s expectations. And given the alternatives that emerge in the global Internet services market, it is not quite clear where will this path end.    

AI, Big Data, IoT: The Future Tech Used Today

Doesn’t it seem like science fiction writers lay out the path to our future?

Even in one’s twenties, it is astonishing to look around and see all the things you’ve read about in books as a kid – gradually take shape and compose the new realm. Literally everywhere, sci-fi movies are becoming less and less fictional. Now, what can be more futuristic (except for space tourism, perhaps) than a mesh of digitalized intelligence covering every level of our daily life? 

Believe it or not, this is exactly what technologies of the future like AI, Big Data, and IoT are facilitating already today. Essentially, all three are sides of the same pyramid, the tip of which is a “smart environment” (a.k.a. pervasive computing).

Here’s how it works: 

In a smart environment, objects of everyday interaction contain sensors and computers which compose a fine network of smart devices. That’s the Internet of Things. Now, all of these devices generate a gazillion bytes of information (read on for a more accurate figure) that has to be gathered for smooth operation and maintenance. That’s Big Data. Finally, processing and effectively implementing all of this data requires super-human intelligence powered by next-gen computing capabilities. You guessed it right – that’s Artificial Intelligence (potentially run on quantum computers, for performance reasons, you know). 

These are the bases of a smart environment. And if it sounds one bit fantasy-like, here’s a reality check for you.

The state of technology

Remember all those movies where the protagonist has information popping on the eyeglasses and his physical condition constantly assessed? This doesn’t even sound futuristic anymore.

These days a fitness bracelet will not only track mileage but also measure your heart rate and blood pressure. It will then alert you or medical personnel should an emergency or worsening medical condition be detected. Self-driving cars avoiding traffic jams and accidents? That’s kids’ stuff! How about facial recognition surveillance systems appraised for helping fight the pandemic in Asia?

Mind you, all that’s mainstream. Now think of what they’ve got for us in the labs. Personally, I am looking forward to some “5th Element/Minority Report/Black Mirror/Brave New World” type of innovations… The tech part of it, of course.

Ok, let’s get back to the topic.

While AI, Big Data, and IoT aim at improving our lives in the bigger scheme of things, the change doesn’t come overnight. Before all of those fun and grandiose things are fulfilled, a much more prosaic path awaits the revolutionary technologies. Traditionally, big business is among the first industries to adopt a new approach for its own benefit. 

Btw, here are some numbers for a clearer picture of future-tech trio adoption over time:

AI Big Data IoT development chart

*According to Verified Market Research, Datanami, Gartner,, Securitytoday

As you can see from the graphic above, the combined trend of AI Big Data & IoT is huge, to say the least. Once again, the main idea behind these technologies is for artificial intelligence algorithms to analyze the data collected from the myriads of devices hooked up to the internet. Therefore, it makes no sense to separate the three when looking at how they affect modern business processes. So, it is thoughtful to use the term “future tech” – for convenience, clarity, and simplicity. 

AI Big Data IoT application

As already mentioned, commercial enterprises are the first to include robotic automation in their strategic arsenal. At that, there are two main areas where high intelligence technologies can be used to resolve the issues companies often struggle with or want to improve. The first one refers to the internal company processes, like Operation & Management, Recruiting, Security. The second one covers customer-related issues that include User Experience, Support, and Acquisition. 

Actually, this goes in line with one of our previous articles about the automation of business processes. In this regard, future tech is essentially the next step in the same direction. So, you may find it useful to check that material first.  

Anyways, let’s look into each of the application areas mentioned separately.

Operation & Management

The first and foremost place of application for future tech is of course everyday operation and management. Not only people management – but the management of goods just as well. 

Let’s say you run an online shop with thousands of offerings on your website. In this case, your most popular products may often go out of stock due to high demand. These things are just hard to predict. A common issue, it often makes customers shop somewhere else and turn to your competitors. Do you need another hole in the budget? Probably no. In this case, an AI solution analyzing customer behavior and comparing it to the IoT-supplied inventory information may easily predict a shortage and alert you early enough to restock the item. Simple, and highly efficient.

Another example of robotics utilized at the forefront of commerce is drone delivery. Already tested by companies like Amazon and Dominos, this revolutionary approach to goods distribution takes a ton of pressure away from the logistic departments.

Furthermore, AI-based task scheduling tools like can help executives fine-tune the daily management process, save time, and effectively distribute resources. 

If you are not tired of statistics, bear in mind that experts estimate ¾ of all enterprise apps to use AI by 2021, and over ⅓ of data analysis in marketing organizations to be executed by intelligent algorithms integrated within various marketing software by 2022. 


Talent acquisition is another important yet burdensome task on the shoulders of your company’s employees. However, this one, too, can be simplified using future tech. 

Modern AI solutions (like Fetcher, Hiretual, Textio) can help recruitment teams compose resonating job descriptions, profile potential candidates, and choose the ones that best suit your needs.  

Wonder what do the niche experts say? 

96% of responders said they believe using AI can greatly improve their talent acquisition work. Of them, between 17% and 41% claim not using it has lead to poor candidate experience, higher costs, and lower overall efficiency. 

AI Big Data IoT influence on recruitment activities


Cybersecurity is another crucial business aspect enterprises can improve via advanced intelligence algorithms. While it sounds like a strictly IT-related issue, it is not so. Every company that stores or processes clients’ data, deals with online payments, owns sensitive information, or controls essential public or private facilities – should rank cybersecurity high on the list of their priorities. 

How can AI help in this and beat the risks? 

To access secured digital locations, hackers often use “inventive” pathways and program loopholes through which they can penetrate a lesser-secured frontier (like an employee’s account or a client’s computer) to breach the security border and enter the system. Furthermore, these days hackers themselves can use machine learning algorithms for malicious purposes.   

Countering this, AI-based cybersecurity solutions take the knowledge and expertise of seasoned security experts and reinforce it with the computing power of ML algorithms. This allows analyzing and intercepting potential stealthy attacks with high precision. Like that, Symantec‘s AI cybersecurity software detected a chain of Dragonfly 2.0 hacker attacks targeting multiple energy companies in attempts to gain control of the companies’ operational networks last year

Speaking of which, some of the popular AI-powered cybersecurity tools include Sophos’ Intercept X tool, Darktrace Antigena, IBM’s QRadar Advisor, and Vectra’s Cognito.

User Experience, Support, and Acquisition 

Last but not least – user experience. The statistic shows that automated customer service agents receive the greatest share of funding among all commercial AI use cases (see the chart below). This alone is a valuable indicator of the importance and power of the trend. Chatbots have been a hot topic of discussion for quite a few years and it seems to remain so in the years to come. 

Actually, it should not be surprising. Customer service is among the strongest selling points for businesses in any industry. Having a good support team could nail it before. Nowadays, though, it is simply inefficient, if even possible, to maintain enough specialists to comb through the massive flow of user issues that are coming in at a typical enterprise. Especially so when it comes to big retail and services businesses processing tens of thousands of requests every day. 

AI chatbots, on the other hand, are scalable, efficient, and lately – even better at helping clients than real people. Actually, some two-thirds of responded web users prefer to deal with a chatbot vs talking to a human when communicating with a business, according to G2 Crowd. Moreso, about 85% of all customer interactions are already taken care of by intelligent algorithms.

That’s it regarding the future tech hands-on application. 

AI investments distribution

As for the share of funding different AI implementations receive, here’s how the picture looked like in the past year:

AI Big Data IoT investment distribution

*According to IDC

When will the future arrive?

Of course, the smart environment future we all anticipate is coming in one batch at a time and is far more vivid at the frontiers of technologically developed spheres of life. But hey, businesses have always been the early adapts of innovation, and it is great to see the enterprise world incorporate and fuel the progress of intelligent tech. Sooner or later it will enter our everyday lives, just like the internet and microchips did. So, let’s not rush it and enjoy the show!

Need a touch of innovation to improve your own business processes? You know which door to knock on – MintyMint is always open to cooperation. 

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