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Solution Engineering

Our solution engineering services are designed to provide businesses with customized solutions that address their specific challenges and develop tailored solutions that meet their needs

Web Application Development

We can create dynamic and user-friendly applications tailored to your business's unique needs and requirements

Mobile Application Development

We can create personalized applications that are designed to meet the distinct needs and requirements of your business

UI/UX Design

We create UI/UX designs that will make your App more engaging and intuitive for your customers

Software Quality Assurance

Our QA engineers make sure that your product is thoroughly examined to guarantee top-notch performance

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One size fits all

Proven solutions for big & small pain points

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  • Quick PoC/MVP development to test the hypothesis
  • Reduce time-to-hire and ongoing costs
  • Shorten your products time-to-market
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Scale Up & SMB

  • Quick scaling & ramp-up
  • A-grade product & process quality
  • Custom business automation solutions

Enterprise-level companies

  • Access to nearshore talent pool
  • IT systems modernization & integrations
  • Data management and security implementation

More than 200 happy clients in all major industries

Challenges & Solutions

Lack of effective monitoring of outsourced team’s work can affect the quality of the final product

Defining precise requirements, creating a quality control plan, and giving regular feedback on the team’s work

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Cultural and geographic differences can lead to communication breakdown

Standardizing work communication, keeping the team updating regarding project goals and milestones

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Intellectual property (IP) breaches can result in compromised proprietary information and harm to business reputation

Signing an IP agreement that outlines ownership and usage rights. Using secure file-sharing systems to protect sensitive information

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Case Studies

High-end software for startups and enterprises

Image recognition & classification project

AI model built for the UAV manufacturer, which handles live video streaming processing and utilizes Image Recognition...

Integrating medical wearable device

Develop two native, HIPAA-compliant mobile applications (Android and iOS respectively), which would receive data via Bluetooth


AI-driven platform for simplifying content flow and optimizing content creation process through AI. 

Beer Rating and Scanning

Platform for beer rating and a must-have for all beer lovers, beer fans, and beer connoisseurs.

ML project: Signal platform for stocks

Signal platform for the institutional investment fund from Austria. Developed a Machine Learning model for a platform...

Real Estate ML project

Machine Learning model deployed for a Real Estate company in the USA.

Partnership models

Cooperation & workflow models based on your goals and growth stage

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Dedicated Development Team

Scalable team dedicated for your product FTE

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Team Augmentation

Extra resources to backup your core team

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Turnkey Product Development

Full-cycle service to bring your product idea into life

We are global

Serving companies around the world:

Serving companies around the world:

North America (US/Canada)
United Kingdom
Europe (Germany, Austria, Netherlands)
GCC countries
map USA Australia GCC Great Britain Europe

Contact us

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